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AnyChart Dashboards

"It is a well-established management principle that you cannot manage what you cannot measure. It is equally true, however, that you cannot manage well what you cannot monitor - which is where enterprise dashboards come in" - Shadan Malik

Like the instrument panel in a car, the computer version-dashboard displays critical info in easy-to-read graphics, assembled from data pulled in real time from corporate software programs. Dashboards deliver the detailed information needed by everyone for day-to-day decision-making. Simple yet powerful analysis allows any user to discover vital  trends in business performance. Continuously monitor the performance of your organization at all levels and in real time.

Dashboards provide your business with real-time business intelligence across all areas of your company – from accounting and sales, to fulfillment and support. The Dashboard offers instant snapshots of your designated key performance indicators (KPIs), and provides real-time trend graphs and ad hoc reports appropriate for each role in your business. With direct drill-down capability, you can move from a summary level directly to greater detail, and you can see real-time information to proactively manage for better results.

There are several main dashboard categories: Enterprise Performance Dashboard, Divisional Dashboards, Customer Dashboards, Vendor Dashboards, etc. - click here and learn more.

Who uses executive dashboards? As "Business Week" writes in "Giving The Boss The Big Picture: A "dashboard" pulls up everything the CEO needs to run the show" alsmost all CEOs of succesful companies use dashboards - Read the details right now!

While most enterprise dashboards in production are probably still custom built, we provide you a new way of dashboard creation - using AnyChart Flash components: Chart, Map, Gantt.

AnyChart Flash Chart Logo
AnyChart Flash Map Logo
AnyChart Flash Gantt Logo

Contact us at to create your own executives dashboard using AnyChart technologies.


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