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Online Purchase

Welcome to our online purchase page, here you can find our licensing options, pricing structure and links to order our products online. The ordering pages are on a secure web site that encrypts all transmitted credit card data according to the secure HTTP protocol

If you'd like to purchase using Purchase Order please read: AnyChart Purchase Order Guide.

All licences are shipped by email in 24 hours. A free CD can be delivered in 3-5 business days upon your request.

Please contact us if you require any licensing option not listed below.

If you want to embed AnyChart into your commercial application - see our OEM Partners page.

AnyChart Flash Chart Component

AnyChart Flash Map Component

AnyChart Flash Gantt Component

Anychart Licensing Explanation (applies to all products)

  Development Enterprise
Number of websites allowed (multiple domains on a single web site allowed) One Unlimited under a single company
Source Code (.fla file)
Yes Yes

Source code is available to non-competing developers. The purchase of source code gives the right only to use it to make custom modifications and improvements for use in own larger application. Permission is given to modify the code, recompile, and build it into another application as a part with expanded functionality. Permission is not given to recompile the source code and redistribute it as a rival product that has the same use as the original source code.

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